The Biggest Mistakes Parents Make When Setting Up A Trust Fund

Setting up a trust fund for your children can be a great way to provide for their financial future. However, the process of establishing a trust and funding it appropriately can be complex. Many parents inadvertently make critical mistakes when creating a trust that can undermine their goals for their child’s inheritance.

Understanding the most common errors parents make when setting up a trust fund for kids is key to avoiding these pitfalls. Proper estate planning allows you to set up a trust that meets your specific objectives and provides significant benefits.

What is a Trust Fund?

A trust fund is a legally established structure wherein assets are conveyed into a trust and overseen by a trustee to benefit one or multiple beneficiaries. The terms of the trust dictate how the assets must be managed and distributed.

Parents commonly set up trust funds to provide funds for their children’s education, support, and other needs. The assets are invested and can grow over time. The trustee oversees the trust and makes sure the funds are used appropriately for the child.

Trust funds can hold various types of assets, like cash, stocks, bonds, real estate, and life insurance policies. The assets are legally owned by the trust rather than the beneficiary. This offers protection from creditors and divorce proceedings.

Common mistakes that parents make when creating trust?

When creating a trust fund, parents can make several errors that negatively impact their goals for their children’s inheritance:

Choosing The Wrong Trustee

One of the parent’s biggest mistakes is selecting the wrong person to manage the trust. The trustee oversees the assets, makes investment decisions, and determines when distributions are made. This role requires financial responsibility and impartiality. Unfortunately, many parents name family members as trustees even when they lack the skills or judgment. Instead, hire a professional trustee like a bank, attorney, or financial advisor. They have expertise managing money and can make unbiased decisions. If you want a family member involved, name them as a co-trustee alongside a professional.

Failing To Fund The Trust

A surprising number of parents set up trusts but never transfer assets into them. Without funding, the trust is useless. As soon as the trust agreement is finalized, re-title financial accounts, property, insurance policies, or other assets in the name of the trust. Work with your advisor to develop a funding plan that minimizes taxes and avoids probate. It is also crucial to provide enough assets to accomplish your goals. A trust with limited funds may only pay for a few years of college when you had hoped to fund graduate school.

Neglecting To Update The Trust

Another common mistake is establishing a trust but then failing to modify it as circumstances change. Your goals may evolve over time, and laws could impact how the trust operates. Revisit the trust at least every 2-3 years and after major life events. You may need to change the trustee, update beneficiaries, amend administrative provisions, or make revisions to stay current with tax regulations. Your attorney can help review and update the document.

Forgetting To Communicate With The Trustee

Parents often don’t provide enough guidance to trustees, which can lead to misuse of funds. Discuss your goals, values, and vision for how the trust should be used with the trustee. Provide direction on acceptable expenses, principles for managing assets, and distribution preferences. Outline your priorities, like funding education first before other uses. Maintain open communication so the trustee can consult you when questions arise.

Naming The Child As Sole Trustee

Some parents name their child as the only trustee, which undermines the asset protection benefits and controls a trust provides. A young adult may lack the skills to manage investments wisely. They could also spend the money irresponsibly or face creditors’ claims. Name yourself, another family member, or a professional as trustee for greater oversight and continuity. You can name your child as a co-trustee later after they gain experience.

Trust funds can provide wonderful benefits for children when set up thoughtfully. Avoid these common mistakes and work closely with a trusts lawyer to establish a trust tailored to your family’s needs and situation. With the right guidance, you can provide for your children’s future in a way that protects and encourages them.

Not Regularly Reviewing the Trust

Many parents set up a trust fund and then forget about it. However, it’s crucial to review the trust annually or whenever significant changes occur in your or your child’s life.

Changes in financial circumstances, tax laws, or family situations can affect the trust. Regular reviews ensure that the trust remains relevant and effective in achieving its purpose.

Not Choosing the Right Type of Trust

One of the biggest mistakes parents make when setting up a trust is not choosing the right type of trust. The two most common types are revocable and irrevocable trusts. A revocable or living trust can be changed or terminated by the person who created it at any time. On the other hand, an irrevocable trust cannot be altered without the consent of the trustee and the beneficiaries.

Choosing the right type of trust depends on your goals for the trust. A revocable trust might be the best option if you want flexibility and control. An irrevocable trust might be more suitable if you’re looking for asset protection or tax benefits.

Effective Trust Fund Planning for Parents

Parents who want to set up the best possible trust fund for their children’s future should focus on these essential elements:

  • Clear Objectives – Define specific goals for what you want the trust to accomplish at the outset.
  • Right Trustee – Choose a financially responsible trustee with the investment expertise to manage assets.
  • Well-Drafted Terms – Carefully define all provisions for managing and distributing the trust to align with your goals.
  • Sufficient Assets – Fund the trust with adequate assets to meet the purpose you intend for it.
  • Proper Titling of Assets – Correctly title assets in the name of the trust to avoid unintended consequences.
  • Reasonable Access Age – Determine an appropriate age when your children will be mature enough to manage distributions or inherit principal.
  • Ongoing Monitoring – Periodically review the trust fund with your attorney to ensure it still meets your objectives.
  • Tax Optimization – Consider strategies to minimize income and estate taxes on trust assets.

By focusing on these key points, you can have greater peace of mind knowing your children will benefit from the trust fund long into the future.

Tips for Avoiding Common Trust Fund Mistakes

There are several steps you can take to avoid these common mistakes:

  • Educate Yourself: Learn about the different types of trusts and their benefits and drawbacks.
  • Choose the Right Trustee: Consider the trustee’s responsibilities and choose someone capable and willing to manage the trust.
  • Review Regularly: Schedule regular reviews of the trust to ensure it stays up to date with your family’s needs and changes in laws.
  • Plan for the Future: Consider potential future scenarios and make sure your trust has provisions to handle them.
  • Consult Professionals: An estate planning attorney can help you establish a trust that meets your specific needs and goals, and can help you avoid common pitfalls.

How can an estate planning attorney help you establish a trust?

Setting up a trust fund without professional legal help can cause some of the abovementioned problems. Here are some of the key ways an experienced trust lawyer can help parents:

  • Craft custom trust terms that meet your specific financial goals for your children.
  • Ensure compliance with all applicable laws and account for future tax code changes.
  • Advise about the best trust structure and features for your situation and assets.
  • Help properly retitle assets into the name of the trust.
  • Guide trust funding to provide enough assets to meet purposes.
  • Recommend experienced and ethical trustees to prudently manage the trust.
  • Develop trust administration procedures outlining exactly how assets should be managed and distributed over time.
  • Suggest modifications if laws or family situations change that require trust revisions.
  • Coordinate the trust with the rest of your estate plan to ensure seamless alignment with wills and other components.

Getting help from an experienced estate planning firm like Your Legacy Legal Care can give parents assurance of setting up an effective, properly administered trust fund for their children’s future financial security and well-being.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: Why is it important to review the trust periodically?

A: It is important to review the trust periodically to ensure that it still aligns with your goals and any changes in your financial or family situation.

Q: How often should I review my trust?

A: It is recommended to review your trust annually or whenever significant changes in your life or financial situation occur.

Q: Why is it essential to choose the right trustee for your trust?

A: Choosing the right trustee for your trust is essential because they will manage and distribute the trust’s assets according to your wishes.