Personal Injury Lawyer: Expert Lawyer In Helping Victims

The personal injury lawyer is an expert in insurance law. It plays an important role in helping victims of accidents, such as road accidents. Throughout the compensation process, he can be at the victim’s side so as not to leave him alone with the insurance, whether it is his own or that of a driver at fault. Its objective is to allow him to obtain fair compensation commensurate with the damage suffered, and not to leave him alone with the insurer (and his inspectors).

Legal Proceedings Or Amicable Settlement?

French law allows accident victims to choose between two procedures to obtain compensation. Either they go to court or they negotiate directly with the responsible party’s insurer. The advantages and disadvantages of each procedure should be considered before making a choice.

The main advantage of the transaction (i.e., direct negotiation) is that it is much faster than the legal procedure. Indeed, it usually only takes a few months to settle the file. In addition, unlike legal proceedings, the costs (lawyer, medical expertise) are generally covered by the insurance of the person responsible.

The main disadvantage of the transaction is that it does not always allow obtaining full compensation for the damage suffered by the victim. Indeed, insurers tend to offer lower amounts to victims’ claims to limit the cost for themselves.

The main advantage of the legal procedure is that it makes it possible to obtain higher compensation than that obtained by negotiating directly with the insurer. Indeed, the judges take into account all the damage suffered by the victim (physical, moral, etc.) and can order the insurer to pay additional damages.

The major disadvantage of the legal procedure is that it is long and complex. It takes between 2 and 3 years to obtain a final judgment. In addition, the victim may bear the legal costs (costs to be advanced very often).

The two procedures are not opposed. Lawyers such as crown point personal injury attorney systematically initiate an amicable procedure. If the amounts of compensation offered to you are not sufficient, we suggest that you initiate legal proceedings (with a basic package: e.g., 840 euros including tax + X% of the sums that you could obtain from the insurer and which would only be due if the procedure is successful and only once these sums have been disbursed by the insurer so that you do not have to make an advance).

Let’s not forget either the financial damage, essentially made up of health or adaptation expenses to carry out acts of everyday life following the accident like uber accident policy, but also the sexual damage, which includes all the impacts of the accident on the sexual life of the victim.