Abuse of Power: A Primer on Police Misconduct Lawyers

It is crucial for people to be aware of their constitutional rights after being arrested given the increased instances of police brutality against civilians. In order to hold police accountable and to ensure that those who go rogue and disregard the law are brought to justice, civil rights organizations encourage you to report instances of police brutality.

You might be wondering if there are attorneys who represent victims of police brutality in court cases. They are known as police misconduct lawyers, and the answer is yes.

Self-injurious police officers may be held accountable. Here are a few examples of typical police misconduct:

  • Illegal searches;
  • Planting of evidence;
  • Use of excessive force;
  • Illegal property seizure;
  • Failure to inform the suspect of his/her Miranda rights;

Stats on Police Misconduct

A study estimates that 950 people were killed by police in 2015 without justification. A black individual has a three times greater chance than a white person of being killed by the police. Statistics also demonstrate that Black Americans are twice as likely as White Americans to be killed, even when they are unarmed. In 2015, 32% of dead Black persons were unarmed, compared to 25% of killed Latino and Hispanic people and 15% of killed White people.

Police brutality also affects Native Americans. In the USA, there are 5.1 million Native Americans, including American Indians and Alaska Natives. The CDC found that, based on statistics from 1999-2013, the rate of homicide among Native Americans is practically on par with that among Black Americans. Even police reports can be inaccurate, so you should always take precautions to keep yourself safe. It is always in your best advantage to get in touch with a policy misconduct lawyer, like those at police misconduct lawyers, if you find yourself in a scenario like this.

Principal Criticisms of the Police

The primary grievance and factor contributing to the deaths of individuals slain by police is the use of excessive force. In 2010, 23% of all recorded occurrences of police misconduct involved the use of excessive force, as per a study.

57% of the cases involved the use of excessive force, which included physical force like physical assaults, baton blows, and chokeholds. The use of firearms was involved in 15% of the instances of excessive force.

Has justice been carried out? The numbers don’t show a promising future. Every time the cops kill 1,000 individuals, just one police officer is found guilty. In the USA, police killed 1,149 people in 2014, as per a report. 22 of these individuals, or 4.6%, were women; the remainder were men.

Visit the website, if you need a lawyer to defend you against any police brutality.