The Biggest Mistake Parents Make When Setting Up A Trust Fund

Setting up a trust fund for your child is one of the key steps many parents take to ensure their offspring’s financial well-being. By putting away money today, parents aim to provide a safety net, support education, or even give their children a head start in adult life. But, as straightforward as it might seem, many parents unknowingly trip up, making a significant mistake that could impact their child’s future. In this article, we’ll dive deep into this common oversight, breaking it down into easy-to-understand terms and providing practical advice to ensure every parent can set up a trust fund the right way. Whether you’re considering creating a trust or have one already, this is a must-read to ensure you’re on the right track.

What is a Trust Fund

A trust fund is a legal entity created to hold assets for the benefit of certain individuals or entities. At its core, it involves three key parties: the grantor (the individual who creates and funds the trust), the trustee (the person or entity responsible for managing the trust), and the beneficiary (the individual or entity who benefits from the trust). Trust for your child can hold a variety of assets, from real estate and stocks to insurance policies and cash.

The main purpose of the trust is to provide a structured way to manage and distribute assets to beneficiaries based on the terms set by the grantor. This can be especially beneficial for estate planning, asset protection, and ensuring a financial future for beneficiaries like children. In fact, many parents establish a trust fund for their children to ensure their inheritance is managed properly. At a certain age, the trust would be 

Benefits of a Trust

Setting up a trust fund is an essential step in financial and estate planning for many individuals. Trusts offer multiple benefits that can address the specific needs and objectives of an individual or family. Here’s a comprehensive look at these advantages:

  • Tailored Financial Planning: One of the most significant benefits of setting up a trust fund is the ability to create a financial structure that meets your specific needs. Every family’s situation is unique, and trusts can be tailored to accommodate diverse financial goals and circumstances.
  • Protection from Creditors: A trust can help shield assets from creditors. Proper trust planning ensures that beneficiaries don’t inadvertently make decisions that expose the trust’s assets to unnecessary risks or liabilities.
  • Avoiding Probate: Trusts can help avoid the often lengthy and public process of probate. This not only ensures quicker asset distribution after the grantor’s passing but also adds a layer of privacy to the estate.
  • Control Over Asset Distribution: The trust is essential for individuals who want to have a say in how and when their assets are distributed. It allows for the funds to be used in specific ways, like for a child’s education or healthcare needs. This control remains even after the grantor’s demise.
  • Flexibility and Adaptability: Trusts offer flexibility. If circumstances change or if you feel like the trust isn’t serving its purpose effectively, many trusts can be amended, ensuring the trust remains aligned with evolving needs.
  • Tax Benefits: Depending on how you set up the trust fund, there can be potential tax benefits, allowing for more efficient wealth transfer and sometimes minimizing estate or gift taxes.
  • Beneficial for Minors: Many parents set up a trust for their children to ensure they are provided for, especially if the children are minors. Such trusts can dictate when and how much money the child can access, ensuring they don’t squander their inheritance.
  • Continued Legacy and Charitable Giving: Trusts can also support charitable objectives, allowing individuals to leave a lasting legacy. Such trusts can exist and support charitable causes well beyond the grantor’s lifetime.
  • Clarity on Succession: A critical aspect of the trust is to name the beneficiaries clearly. This reduces family disputes and ensures that your wishes are carried out precisely.
  • Professional Management: Trust funds can help ensure professional management of assets if a financial institution or expert is appointed as the trustee. This can be particularly advantageous if the beneficiaries are not financially savvy.
  • Protection in Case of Incapacity: If the grantor becomes incapacitated during their lifetime, the trust can provide a clear roadmap on how assets should be handled, eliminating uncertainties in such difficult times.
  • Facilitates Comprehensive Planning: Establishing a trust fund is right for those looking to integrate their financial, estate, and tax planning. A well-structured trust can work in tandem with other financial tools and strategies, ensuring a holistic approach to wealth management.

How to set up a trust fund

  • Determine the Type of Trust: There are different types of trusts, such as revocable trust, irrevocable trust, and living trust. A revocable trust can be changed during the grantor’s lifetime, while an irrevocable trust cannot. A living trust, on the other hand, is established and operates during the grantor’s lifetime.
  • Choosing a Trustee: When you create a trust, you need to choose someone responsible and available to manage the trust. This is a crucial step, and choosing the wrong trustee is a common mistake. An estate planning attorney can help you make the right choice.
  • Define the Trust’s Terms: Clearly establish the goals for the trust and outline how the trust assets will be managed and distributed. It’s essential to review the trust provisions and terms of the trust regularly.
  • Funding the Trust: Once the trust is set, assets need to be transferred or placed into the trust to fund it. This might include transferring real estate titles and stocks or depositing a large sum of money.
  • Administering the Trust: The trustee has the responsibility of managing the trust’s assets and ensuring they are distributed as per the trust agreement. This includes deciding how much of the funds should be used to pay medical bills, for education, or for other purposes specified within the trust.
  • Review the Trust Annually: The financial landscape and personal circumstances can change. Therefore, it’s essential to review the trust annually to ensure it still aligns with the grantor’s wishes and the beneficiary’s needs.

Mistakes Parents Make When Setting Up A Trust Fund

Establishing a trust fund for your children can be a powerful financial tool, serving as a protective measure for their financial future. Many parents opt to create a trust fund to ensure their children’s inheritance is managed in alignment with their wishes. However, several common mistakes can undermine the very goals parents aim to achieve with these trusts. Learn about the biggest mistakes and how to avoid these mistakes:

  • Not Clearly Defining the Purpose of the Trust: One of the most common mistakes that parents make when creating a trust fund for a child is not being clear about its purpose. A trust’s primary function could range from paying medical bills, supporting education, or ensuring general financial well-being. If the purpose isn’t clearly defined, it may not serve the beneficiary in the intended manner.
  • Choosing the Wrong Type of Trust: Trust funds can hold different types of assets and come in various forms, like the living trust, revocable trust, and irrevocable trust. Many parents inadvertently choose a type without understanding its implications. For instance, while a revocable trust can be altered during the grantor’s lifetime, an irrevocable trust cannot. An estate planning attorney can guide parents on which trust meets their specific needs.
  • Poor Asset Management: Once a trust is set, parents need to decide which assets to fund it with. Common trust assets include real estate, stocks, cash, and insurance policies. A big mistake is not strategically placing the right mix of assets into the trust, which can impact the principal value of the trust and how assets are distributed.
  • Neglecting Regular Reviews: Just like any other financial instrument, it’s essential to review the trust annually. Personal, financial, and legislative changes can affect how the trust operates. Regular reviews with an estate planning lawyer ensure the trust remains aligned with its intended purpose.
  • Inadequate Trust Provisions: Trust provisions dictate how the trust’s assets are managed and distributed. Vague or overly complex terms can make administering the trust challenging and may not reflect the grantor’s wishes, especially regarding when and how much of the funds the beneficiary can access.
  • Failing to Name a Reliable Trustee: A trustee is responsible for managing the trust fund for your children. Many parents make the mistake of not giving this decision adequate thought. The chosen individual or entity needs to be trustworthy, competent, and available to manage the trust. Choosing incorrectly can jeopardize the trust’s goals and the asset protection intended within the trust.
  • Overlooking Potential Tax Implications: Trusts have tax implications. While they can offer asset protection and ensure assets are used according to the grantor’s wishes, not consulting with an estate planning attorney about tax strategies can be costly.
  • Not Considering a Trust’s Flexibility: Many parents set the trust too rigidly, not allowing for changes that might become necessary due to shifts in circumstances, laws, or the beneficiary’s needs. Trusts need to have some level of flexibility, especially if established when the beneficiary is still very young.
  • Not Educating Beneficiaries: Another common mistake is that once the trust fund is established for their children, parents often overlook the importance of educating them about its purpose, the terms of the trust, and the responsibilities that come with it. This can lead to misunderstandings and mismanagement later on.


Setting up a trust fund is a responsible and thoughtful step many parents take to secure their child’s financial future. While the intention is noble, the path to establishing a trust can be riddled with pitfalls. From choosing the appropriate type of trust to deciding on its terms, every decision holds significance. It’s crucial for parents to be aware of the common mistakes and take measures to avoid making them. With the right guidance and clarity of purpose, parents can ensure that the trust they set up is not just a financial tool but a lasting legacy for their child. Always remember to be informed and seek expert advice to help you establish a trust that meets your specific needs. The process of setting can be complicated, but it is essential to plan for your family’s future. Law firms like The Titus Law Firm in Houston, TX can help achieve your goals. When needed, it can make all the difference in ensuring the trust fund serves its rightful purpose.